[SITE] Homestead, Florida

[COMPLETION DATE] To be completed in 2024.

[ABSTRACT] This 900 sqft (air-conditioned) + 900 sqft (non-air-conditioned) residence is located on an active farm and community space in the Redlands area of South Florida. The architecture nods to the original Cracker House vernacular of historic South Florida and integrates natural, environmentally responsive systems for interior comfort such as cross ventilation cooling, deep overhangs, a raised ground floor, and rainscreens. Climate responsibility is of high priority for this project and is reflected in the use of solar energy, solar water heating, rainwater catchment and storage, composting toilets, and natural clothing drying. The Guest Bedrooms are intended to function as temporary lodging for individuals affected by the housing crisis and are designed to be ADA compliant to maximize accessibility for all.